X-Boss Tyre Changer from Hofmann Megaplan

X-Boss Tyre Changer

No-contact, totally-automated operation for those where, quite simply, only the best will do

With safety at the heart of the X-Boss' operation, this machine can handle any passenger car tyre with minimal effort and zero risk to the rim or tyre. The completely automated process makes human error a thing of the past.

The X-Boss is able to achieve this by utilising the intelligent new dead man system, which operates throughout the machine's cycle. This feature ensures that only the correct function can be carried out during each stage of the process and therefore eliminates the risk of damage to tyres from the human error that may be seen in regular fittings or removals. By making all other functions except for the one you are completing inactive, you ensure absolute 'fool-proof' operation.

Using twin lasers to determine the exact 3D mass of the rim, the X-Boss sets up all of the tools automatically, removing any opportunity for error or responsibility from the operator. In fact, we always say, the best person to train on an X-Boss, is the person who has never changed tyres before!

Note: This model is available in traditional 'Hofmann blue' as 'Smart X', and in 'OEM grey' as 'X-Boss', which is the officially recognised branding for those vehicle manufacturers who endorse this machine such as BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Lamborghini.

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The Ultimate Tyre Fitting & Removal Technology
BMW Approved

Other products in this range...

A tyre changer is a tyre changer, right? WRONG!

That is one of the biggest misconceptions in the business! Tyre fitting machines vary immensely, even if on face value they all look the same. The source of manufacture (generally Italy or China), the gauge of steel, the inclusion of an assist arm (of which there are numerous types with varying levels of performance), machines specifically for alloy and titanium rims, models that will handle both car and motorcycle, the options are endless.
Whether it is a brand new fully automatic tyre changer machine like the X-Boss or something from our second hand tyre machine sale, you can trust the Hofmann Megaplan brand for your tyre fitting machine needs. Continuing to be one of the spearheads of industry-leading tyre changers is a difficult feat, however at Hofmann Megaplan we have supplied the first 4 cylinder turntable (the QuadraClamp), the first leverless device for a conventional tyre changer, the first bead breaker with automatic return to home position, the patented Par-Move parallelogram concept, the list is endless. Our innovative mentality has driven these advancements in our products and the services we provide along side them, and that's not likely to change any time soon...

Just ask on of our experts for advice on the right tyre changer for you.

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