Revenue Calculators

Whether it's making money or saving money, our Revenue Calculators can help you evaluate just how much value can be gained from investing in Hofmann Megaplan equipment!

Wheel Alignment Revenue Calculator

 Alignments per day: 

 Alignment Charge: 

 Daily Income: 


 Weekly Income: 


 Monthly Income: 


Nitrogen Inflation Revenue Calculator

 Inflations per day: 

 Charge Per Vehicle: 

 Daily Income: 


 Weekly Income: 


 Monthly Income: 


Wheel Balancer Cost Saving Calculator

 Wheels Balanced per Day: 

 Weight *Cost per Wheel: 

 Daily Balancer Saving: 


 Weekly Balancer Saving: 


 Monthly Balancer Saving: 



* Savings apply to machines with the Weight Saving function and are based on using adhesive weights, and 60g of weight per wheel.