megaspin 1200P Wheel Balancer from Hofmann Megaplan

megaspin 1200P Wheel Balancer

The Ultimate in Wheel Balancing Technology

There are some tyre shops and garages who simply want the best, and see the value in investing in high-end equipment. For those customers, the megaspin 1200P is the machine of choice, representing the flagship in the Hofmann Megaplan range. Literally loaded with every feature we have at our disposal, such as No Checkspin, OWB (One Weight Balance), megaclamp pneumatic clamping and Ultra HD Graphics, the megaspin 1200P also boasts our AVS (Anti-Vibration Software) for rim/tyre diagnostics such as uniformity, and Touchless capturing of the rim data via a laser scan which takes the full profile of the rim.

The megaspin 1200P can either be used in the traditional sense, whereby it becomes probably the simplest, fastest floor-to-floor wheel balancer on the market, or in a more diagnostic sense, where the advanced characteristics of the rim can be used to determine where on the vehicle each wheel is best suited for the best ride.  ‘Top of the range’ really doesn’t do the megaspin 1200P justice, it sets a new standard in wheel balancers, appealing to those where, quite simply, only the best will do.

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megaspin 1200P

High speed, touchless operation. Laser Point Accuracy and no checkspin

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The product that made us famous!

Our heritage in wheel balancing machines goes way back. Decades of market leading technology have ensured that Hofmann Megaplan wheel balancers have always been considered to be amongst the most advanced and most reliable machines on the market.

Cheap wheel balancers are, without doubt, a false economy, and we could give you dozens of facts that prove that statement. Italian manufactured and assembled right here in the UK, a Hofmann Megaplan wheel balancer is undoubtedly one of the most common sites throughout the UK and, indeed, the world, with models suitable for motorcycle, car, truck and aircraft, as well as machines for mobile tyre fitting, we will have the right product for you.

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